In class, Hyenas and Zebras have been reading ‘Charlie and the chocolate factory’ by Roald Dahl. We decided to take a trip to a real life chocolate factory to see how it worked!
We went to Cadbury World in Birmingham. First we visited the 4D cinema, and watched a short film about cocoa beans and their journey to the factory. We had to wear special glasses and dodge the flying bird dropping mini eggs on us! After that we went to the play area, and then had some lunch before heading inside to start our tour.
We walked through the factory, with each section telling us different facts about the history of chocolate and the history of Cadbury. We watched another short film that told us all about the creators of Cadbury and how it became the famous brand that it is today. We found different adverts for Cadbury products through the years, and enjoyed choosing which one was our favourite!
Next up was the creation room. This was everyone’s favourite area! We practised writing our names in melted chocolate, and had a lesson on tempering chocolate in order to create a Cadburys Flake. It smelt incredible! We moved on to the tasting room, where we were given a cup of melted chocolate and could choose two extra toppings to add in. Our choices were fudge, marshmallows, jelly babies, rice crispies and chocolate buttons. We all enjoyed this part of the day a lot!
Our final part of the day was a ride on the cocoa bean train, that showed us different areas in the world where we could find cocoa beans, plus some extra funny scenes. We didn’t know cocoa beans could ski!
We visited the shop, and then made our way home. We learnt a lot about the history of chocolate and about how Cadbury came to be known as one of the best chocolate brands in the world. The children behaved impeccably and they were fantastic representatives for the school. Well done everyone!