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- Individual, flexible and creative learning environments
- Calm and low arousal approaches to challenging behaviours
- Development of a positive home / school relationship
- Daily reports, supporting termly and annual reviews
- Proactive working with families
- Rapid response to emergency referrals
- Flexible timetabling according to needs
- Home visits
- Outreach
- Partnership working with multi-agencies
- Delivery of Functional Skills
- Vocational courses delivered within school and in partnership with specialist providers
- Support at the point of transition
- Personal and individualised timetables that meet the learners’ needs and interests
- A registered centre to deliver NCFE, CACHE, TLM and Asdan qualifications
- An art studio allowing learners to explore their creative side
- A sports hall for structured PE
- A sensory room and soft play area
- A kitchen space shared by learners so they can develop independent living skills
- Bespoke educational plans for pupils
- An empathetic approach to Special Educational Needs
- Support and positive relationships with families
- Outside space for play
- Suspensions used only as a last resort
- Support learners’ progression into schools, colleges and work
- Lego therapy
- Theraplay